Prayers Needed:
For the mission of INTO THE DEEP.
Our mission is to call men out of isolation and into Christ-centered community. Please pray that the team at ITD stays focused on this mission even as we experience the challenges of achieving our goals. It has never been harder to reach men in isolation and overcome the pull the world.
For the hearts of the men in your community.
Please pray that God will continue to soften hearts and reach the men of your community with a hope for the future. The statistics of men who are giving on the future are alarming. Pray that the find their hope in Jesus Christ.
For your local church.
Please pray for your church. INTO THE DEEP loves the local church. It is our desire that every church have a thriving and sustainable men’s community. Pray that local churches begin to place an emphasis on the men of their church. When the men are engaged the whole church is healthier.
For the "I Do" Marriage Conference.
Please pray for our annual “I Do” Marriage Conference. Pray that God will call more couples to invest in their marriage and build community with others who desire to have God at the center of their marriage.
For our Year-End Giving Campaign.
Please pray for our Year-End Giving Campaign. Pray that God will continue His work in and through INTO THE DEEP and the generous supporters of our mission. Pray that God will use the funds to reach more men in isolation and calling them to walk more closely with Jesus.